The BIG-MAP project closed on 29/2-2024.

BIG-MAP 6th project meeting
The 6th and final BIG-MAP project meeting was held at Solvay Campus in Brussels on October 24.-25. We heard many excellent presentations from our PhDs and postdocs on our Key Demonstrators and had a session on demonstration of some of the apps in the BIG-MAP App Store. We also had a poster session with 22 posters and many lively discussions.

The BIG-MAP Executive Board had decided to celebrate and recognize PhDs and postdocs for their collaboration and teamwork within the BIG-MAP project and the best posters from the poster sessions. Many excellent candidates were nominated and the winners were:
Poster Award Winners:
Federico G. Capone, CNRS "Development of in-situ operando XPS approaches to the study of SEI formation through the solid and liquid phase"
Roberta Cappabianca, PDT " Transport and aggregation phenomena in solid electrolyte interphase: A computational approach"

The BIG-MAP PhD Award Winners:
Fuzan Rahmanian, KIT
Monika Vogler, KIT
Tushar Singh Thakur, EPFL

The BIG-MAP Postdoc Award Winners:
Eibar Flores, SINTEF
Laura Hannemose Rieger, DTU
Quentin Jacquet, CEA

BIG-MAP/BATTERY 2030+ Data Workshop
More than 50 researchers at different career stages participated in a data workshop organized by BIG-MAP and BATTERY 2030+ to create an interconnected EU community for sharing, standardizing, and ontologizing of battery data. Presentations from experts in the field were followed by practical demonstrations on how to use the data infrastructure and online resources for standards and protocols. This online workshop will be followed by a physical workshop (end of January, in Switzerland), which will be focused on further using the BIG-MAP infrastructure by the BATTERY 2030+ community. Stay tuned!

More highlights here