Call for BIG-MAP Stakeholder Initiatives

The Battery Interface Genome - Materials Acceleration Platform (BIG-MAP) is the largest of the seven H2020 projects constituting the large scale and long term European research initiative BATTERY 2030+. BIG-MAP constitutes a joint effort of 34 European partners spanning academia, research organizations and industry (read more here) to create a paradigm shift in battery innovation, which will lead to a dramatic acceleration of the battery discovery process, achieving a 5-10-fold increase relative to the current rate of discovery within the next 5-10 years. BIG-MAP relies on the development of a unique R&D infrastructure and accelerated methodology that unites and integrates insights from leading experts, competences and data throughout the battery (discovery) value chain with Artificial Intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), large-scale and high-throughput characterization and autonomous synthesis robotics. In short, BIG-MAP aims to reinvent the way we invent batteries and to develop core modules and key demonstrators of a Materials Acceleration Platform specifically designed for the accelerated discovery of battery materials and interfaces.

To strengthen the integration of the BIG-MAP infrastructure with leading external stakeholders, widely used soft- and hardware infrastructure and equipment, etc., in the battery community, BIG-MAP launches a call for so-called Stakeholder Initiatives (SI). The SI projects are smaller, focused collaborative projects between one or more external stakeholders and one or more BIG-MAP partners targeting the integration of the BIG-MAP infrastructure in the European value chain for battery discovery and development.

Call conditions

The proposed projects should develop software tools, techniques, equipment or approaches that further strengthen the BIG-MAP infrastructure and must be made openly available to the battery community, e.g., in the BIG-MAP AppStore.

  • Topics: The first round of proposals should be in one of the following areas:
  • Develop APIs or interfaces between the BIG-MAP infrastructure and one of the LC-BAT-13/14/15-2020 projects
  • Development of APIs/interfaces to software, techniques or equipment widely used in the battery community
  • Development of apps for autonomous analysis of BIG-MAP data
  • Apply the BIG-MAP infrastructure to further the develop of novel battery chemistries

  • Partners: The project must include a minimum of 1 BIG-MAP partner and 1 external stakeholder.
  • Budget: Expectedly around €50.000 for the BIG-MAP partner(s) and €50.000 for the external stakeholder(s). A maximum of 5 SI grants will be awarded in this round.
  • Duration: 1-2 years, with an end date no later than July 1st, 2023.
  • Length: 3 pages max plus the CV of the main PI from the BIG-MAP partner(s) and the main PI from the stakeholder(s).

Submission: The proposals (max. 20 Mb) must be submitted to by Wednesday, April 7, 2021 to be eligible. Decisions of the allocation of funding are expected ultimo May, 2021.

Assessment procedure and criteria

The proposals will be evaluated by three independent experts and the Executive Board according to their:

  • Value to BATTERY 2030+ and the European battery community
  • Novelty and impact of the proposed idea or approach
  • The competenses of the PIs
  • The feasibility of the project

Download the call

Download budget template