2nd Virtual Stakeholder Webinar

Mark your calendars! We are happy to invite you to our 2nd BIG-MAP Stakeholder Event that will take place online on December 17th from 2 until 4pm CET.

During the webinar, we will showcase our BIG-MAP first achievements in some of the main dimensions that BIG-MAP is investigating: AI and in-silico design, Data management and infrastructure, and Experimental characterization and testing. We’ll also take this opportunity to present synergies with other projects BATTERY 2030+ projects.

At the same time, we are also launching the 2nd call for “BIG-MAP Stakeholder Initiatives” that provides an opportunity to launch and fund a number of smaller collaborative projects between BIG-MAP partners and our stakeholders.

If you are interested in joining the webinar and/or learning more about our 2nd call for Stakeholder Initiatives, make sure you register here.

Look forward to seeing you on December 17th.


14:00 – Welcome by Philippe Jacques, EMIRI Managing Director
14:05 – BIG-MAP – Where are we after one year? 
Prof. Tejs Vegge, DTU, Head of Autonomous Materials Discovery and BIG-MAP Coordinator
14:15 – Operational Data Management in BIG-MAP & Battery Interface Ontology development
Dr. Ivano Castelli, DTU, Assistant Professor & Dr. Simon Clark, SINTEF INDUSTRY, Research Scientist New Energy Solutions
14:35 – Towards a European multi-modal experimental characterisation platform
Dr. Sandrine Lyonnard, CEA, Deputy group leader at the Fundamental Research institute (CEA-Irig)
14:55 – Data infrastructure, interoperability, and handshaking with experiments 
Prof. Nicola Marzari, EPFL, Director of the Swiss National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
15:15 – Deploying AI acceleration to research instruments and production lines 
Dr.-Ing. Helge Stein, KIT, Professor for Applied Electrochemistry
15:35 – BIG-MAP stakeholder initiatives (Overview of the ongoing projects & Launch of the 2nd call) 
Prof. Tejs Vegge, DTU, Head of Autonomous Materials Discovery and BIG-MAP Coordinator
15:55 – Wrap-up by Philippe Jacques, EMIRI Managing Director


The recording of the entire meeting is available here.


