The Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC is one out of 72 institutes and research units of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft the largest European institution for applied research [2.6 billion euros annual research budget totalling. Of this sum, 2.2 billion euros generated through contract research. 2,500 staff (qualified scientists and engineers)]. In December 2017, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft was awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” logo from the European Commission in recognition of its outstanding Integrated Human Resources Management. The award is based on the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (EU-Charta & Code). As Europe’s leading organization for applied research and as project partner of many EU-projects, Fraunhofer fulfils these principles. Fraunhofer is one of the first organizations for applied research in Germany to receive the logo.
FISC has become one of the leading R&D centres on energy and resource efficiency. With a permanent staff of about 400 scientists and technicians, the Institute works to develop innovative materials for today’s and tomorrow’s products. As part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Institute is crosslinked with its sister institutes and a number of other R&D institutions in and outside Europe. It is involved in a multitude of joint projects on a national and international scale.
The proposed project will be carried out within two departments at Fh-ISC, the expert group for lab automation and the Fraunhofer R&D Center Electromobility FZEB with its expert group for materials for Lithium-ion batteries. One of the core competencies of the batteries group at FISC is the development of tailor-made inorganic-organic hybrid polymers and their application within different parts of a battery cell.